Saturday, March 01, 2008

Lambs Lambs Lambs

The sheep were knee deep in snow today. We have about 6 inches on the ground. I cleared an area for them with the tractor but the little ones romp around in the deeper stuff anyway. The older lambs are now eating grain and a decent amount of hay and are growing rapidly. The sun was shining brightly today and it was actually comfortable outside.

Check out Valentino above. What a character he is. Click on the photo to enlarge his cuteness.

The flake of hay is almost bigger than they are!

Our latest addition, Dexter.

I am expecting at least two more sheep to lamb any day now. I have to have a white ewe lamb to keep for myself so my fingers are crossed! The other ewes I am not sure about. If they are pregnant, and there's no reason to think that they aren't, it's probably going to be awhile.