Sunday, February 22, 2009


With the news of the loss of what was still a new job, I got lots of emails, Facebook comments and blog comments and I'd just like to say thanks to everybody. I've found a great community of friends through my blog, through work, and Facebook, and the internet has tied them all together. Come look me up on Facebook if you have an account. I orginally got an account there to keep an eye on the kiddies and play Scrabble, but now I love it as a means to stay in touch with friends both here and all over the world. It's a also a great way to bcome informed if one of my favorite bands is in town. The book sharing app is great too. And of coruse there's Wordscraper (a type of Scrabble).

While I was working, I discovered that one of my my other blogs were still giving me an income with no work from me! That was a pleasant surprise. In case you are curious, my Today's Gizmos blog makes money in several ways. One avenue is via people clicking on the Google Ads. That has been quite successful for me. I was also surprised to find that people are still ordering products through the Amazon search box and links in my posts there even though I haven't posted anything new in ages. In addition, I list several links under the Sponsors heading for which I receive a yearly fee. Now I have to point out that these "riches" were not as a result of doing very little. In fact I spent countless months of research on what worked and what didn't, I had just never tested what would happen if I did nothing. I also frequently have people contact me and ask me to review a product that they send me for free. This is always fun. In fact I have an Ipod Touch case made from 100% recycled material that I will be reviewing tomorrow at Gizmos. No I don't plan on working any further on those blogs unless of course someone wants to send me free merchandise. I will still place links for a yearly fee also, as they pay well. I owe a review here on this blog on Gloves in a Bottle, for which I am very late, but that will be it. Sorry gloves, I know I am months late. And of course I will still blog here about family news, wooly creature and whatever takes my fancy. And if your guys order from Amazon, please consider clicking there thorugh my link in the sidebar as I get a referral fee on anything you order.